During Bill Maher show on Friday, he expresses his dismay and anger at woke leftists over a recent incident that showed how “nothing is ever good enough for these people,” saying that woke leftists were harming the Democratic Party.
After reading a poll that showed that Latino voters sided more on the political Right than the political Left, he then began his rant.
“I was reading also about Lin-Manuel Miranda this week, he of Hamilton fame, and, you know, he won a Pulitzer Prize for it. He’s got a new musical, ‘[In] the Heights,’ which is about Washington Heights,” Maher said. “His parents are Puerto Rican, came to this country from Puerto Rico. The book is by someone who’s half Puerto Rican. It got 96% Rotten Tomatoes. People loved it. Great reviews, for which he has apologized profusely. Why? Well, there is Latinx performers, one black lead, but no Afro-Latinx. The committee that makes note of everyone’s skin tone discovered this and then Lin-Manuel Miranda had to say, ‘I’m truly sorry, I’m learning from the feedback. I thank you for raising it. And I’m listening. I promise to do better in my future projects.’”
“This is what I was talking about with Nicki — please stop apologizing. You’re the guy who made the founding fathers black and Hispanic. I don’t think you have to apologize to Twitter, for f*** sake. This is why people hate Democrats. It’s cringey,” Maher continued, later adding that people did not used to “grovel and apologize” any time someone got offended.
“He just wants to avoid the news cycle. I don’t blame him,” he continued.
“You know, I understand this. But at some point, people are gonna have to stand up to these bullies because that’s what it is. It’s just bullying. It’s I can make you crawl like a dog and I enjoy it. I mean, he’s a Latino, making a Latino movie with a Latino cast. Not good enough. Nothing is ever good enough for these people. They’re like children. We don’t raise our children right and it’s reflected in the media. No one ever tells their children, ‘Shut the f*** up, sit down, listen to your elders, stop b****ing.’”
“This is why people hate Democrats. It’s cringey” – @BillMaher re leftists denouncing @Lin_Manuel Miranda for lack of “Afro-LatinX” in his new film, #InTheHeightsMovie. #RealTime pic.twitter.com/0OI8sIQ9xg
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) June 19, 2021
Here’s a transcript from Daily Wire:
BILL MAHER, HBO HOST: I was reading also about Lin-Manuel Miranda this week, he of Hamilton fame, and, you know, he won a Pulitzer Prize for it. He’s got a new musical ‘[In] the Heights,’ which is about Washington Heights. I know that neighborhood, my father parked in it every day of his life, going to New York, coming over from New Jersey, and then taking the subway down to Midtown. And he wrote the music and lyrics. His parents are Puerto Rican, came to this country from Puerto Rico. The book is by someone who’s half Puerto Rican. It got 96% Rotten Tomatoes. People loved it. Great reviews, for which he has apologized profusely. Why? Well, there is Latinx performers, one black lead, but no Afro-Latinx. The committee that makes note of everyone’s skin tone discovered this and then Lin-Manuel Miranda had to say, “I’m truly sorry, I’m learning from the feedback. I thank you for raising it. And I’m listening. I promise to do better in my future projects.”
This is what I was talking about with Nicki — please stop the apologizing. You’re the guy who made the founding fathers black and Hispanic. I don’t think you have to apologize to Twitter, for f*** sake. This is why people hate Democrats. It’s cringey.
What’s different is yes, people used to get mad, people didn’t used to grovel and apologize like this for it. I think that’s different with social media. I mean, I didn’t read the criticisms of this because I don’t think they’re worthy to read. I just read that was his reaction. Obviously, he felt it was important enough for him to make this apology. Do I think he really thinks he should apologize? I don’t. He just wants to avoid the news cycle. I don’t blame him. You know, I understand this. But at some point, people are gonna have to stand up to these bullies because that’s what it is. It’s just bullying. It’s I can make you crawl like a dog and I enjoy it. I mean, he’s a Latino, making a Latino movie with a Latino cast. Not good enough.
Nothing is ever good enough for these people. They’re like children. We don’t raise our children right, and it’s reflected in the media. No one ever tells their children, “Shut the f*** up, sit down, listen to your elders, stop b***hing.”
Source: Daily Wire
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