I can’t believe how shameless Mike Pence has become, I mean, does he even think “MAGA” folks are stupid enough to believe his own fantasy?
This guy claims that he has been in regular contact with former President Donald Trump as he announced on Thursday.
This shameless Pence is attempting to get back into the good graces of MAGA. The guy is polling at less than 1% in the 2024 presidential race, and that’s what this is all about.
Here’s what Pence said while promoting his conservative group Advancing American Freedom, according to Fox News:
“We’ve spoken probably a dozen times since the inauguration.” While Pence described the Capitol riot that happened on January 6 as “difficult” and “dark,” he added that “we moved past it. We finished the work,” putting emphasis on his focus that’s “entirely on the future.”
“And I believe that future is bright because I think what we’ve got to do is tell the story of what we did the last four years, Smug, and not be smug about it.”
Pence joked to his interviewer Comfortably Smug. “We also have to articulate a positive conservative agenda that will draw the American people to us, that would show how we would govern differently and based that on how we did govern differently during our administration and facing the challenges going forward.”
Over the past few months, we all know that tensions had grown between Pence and Trump.
Pence even spoke fondly of the former President Trump, telling one story about runway drama that he experienced while landing at LaGuardia Airport during the 2016 election:
“By the time everybody was secured, everybody was off, I got into the car and I started to head downtown and I got a phone call immediately as soon as I got into car. And I answered the phone and he said, ‘Hey Mike! This is Donald. You guys okay? Everybody okay?’ And I said, ‘Yeah. No, we’re fine. It was just a little bumpy ride at the end, but we’re good.’ And he said- he said, ‘Oh, that’s great. Because it’d be a real hassle to get a new running mate.’”
“And I said, ‘Well, thank you for your concern. I appreciate that very much.’ That was a moment of his sense of humor that I got quite used to over the years.”
As for his potential future in politics, Pence said that he’s not a “long-term planner” and suggested there has to be a “calling” for him to run for office rather than him “seeking” it. When asked if he’d consider being Trump’s running mate in 2024, should he run, Pence simply replied, “wherever my wife and I feel called, we’ll go.”
“I can honestly tell you at age 62, the last 20 years of our lives have been a privilege,” Pence continued. “And so whatever the future holds, we’ll just take it to prayer, we’ll examine our hearts, but I love this country… This is the greatest nation on Earth, and I think it has fallen to us as conservatives and Republicans to defend and advance the freedom that’s made this the greatest nation the world has ever known.”
Many will find it hard to believe that Pence and Trump are in regular contact, while others will feel that they possibly have let bygones be bygones. However, we certainly would not be surprised to see Trump pick a different running mate, should he run in 2024.
Source: WayneDupree, Fox News
he’s deep state and a trojan horse
If Trump chose him as a vice president mate I would not vote for them he is a Traitor