Why IS Garland Under Orders To Systematically Destroy Texas!

The Biden regime is suing Texas over the state’s restrictive voting law that was signed into law in September and is set to go into effect on Dec. 2.

The U.S. Department of Justice has sued Texas in federal court to block several portions of the state’s sweeping voting and elections law known as Senate Bill 1.

Here’s what the lawsuit said:

The challenged provisions — setting identification requirements for mail-in voting and limiting polling-place help for voters with disabilities or those with limited English proficiency — “will disenfranchise eligible Texas citizens who seek to exercise their right to vote,” the lawsuit argued.

“These vulnerable voters already confront barriers to the ballot box, and SB 1 will exacerbate the challenges they face in exercising their fundamental right to vote,” the lawsuit said.

The laws adopted in the last year have been the subject of hysterical media coverage – it was described as a new Jim Crow, by Republican state legislatures.

Citing a leading example like Georgia, the fate of the Texas law will likely impact what happens there and elsewhere.

Described as a new Jim Crow, the laws adopted in the last year by Republican state legislatures have been the subject of hysterical media coverage.

Democrats and their allies in the media have been sensationalized this law, we know the controversy is all contrived.

They have repeatedly stated that the restrictions target black voters without going into much more detail.

In actuality, the party has been pushing nationwide for what would amount to unlimited early and absentee voting at any time and for any reason.

Read more of this report from RightWingNewsHour:

It’s only been as a result of a massive gas lighting operation that Democrats and the media have managed to make much of the country forget that the norm is voting on election day.

California Democrats have decided to deliver an mail-in ballot to every registered voter in the state for future elections, even if they’ve never asked for one.

Texas is being sued by the DOJ for minor restrictions which will emphasize the importance of election day itself and going to polling places over the novel and dubious varieties of voting adopted during the pandemic.

By suing Texas and targeting Georgia Democrats and the media are, in their own words, attempting to ensure that every American votes.

They certainly expect that to sound like a good thing. It’s actually a terribly manipulative and unethical platform. Even aside from the threat of direct voter fraud, their crusades against state legislatures are meant to find more votes and nothing more.

No Republican legislature has proposed anything remotely unreasonable or “restrictive” in their new voting laws. If anything the legislation being adopted isn’t restrictive enough.

Democrats want to ensure that someone who has never heard of any of the candidates running in a given election, does not know anything about the policies they propose, and has put no thought into forming any political opinions, will be given limitless opportunities to vote.

Anyone who has a serious reason to need an absentee ballot or access to early voting can still easily request it in Texas and other Republican states.

The DOJ is suing solely so that Texas Democrats can continue to round up idiots and semi-literates before every election and convince them to let their helpful neighborhood Democrats fill out their ballots.

Sources: Rightwingnewshour, NBC

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1 Comment

  • awww yes, our corrupt, evil, lying alphabet agencies helping biden enforce his policies…FJB is over his head and this will go NOWHERE except hopefully the courts will hold this up for our Constitutional laws

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