WTF? Women Are Protesting the Trump Administration by Getting Matching Tattoos That All Say the Same. Damn. Thing.
Wow, liberal women are really making all women look like ridiculous idiots.
They’re not only wearing vagina hats now, their new thing? Anti-Trump Tattoos! Yeesss permanently mark your skin in protest. Very smart…
Below is where the phrase women all over are getting tattoo’d originated from:
Senator Elizabeth Warren was removed from the floor when she tried to protest the confirmation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. She read a letter written by Coretta Scott King. When they removed her from the floor, Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell said this:
“Sen. Warren was giving a lengthy speech,” he said. “She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”
And now hundreds of anti-Trump women are getting “Nevertheless, she persisted” tattooed to protest Trump.
Are y'all gonna judge me if I get a "Nevertheless, she persisted" tattoo? Good, I'ma get it anyway. #fb
— C’est la V (@2katly) February 9, 2017
100 women in one day get matching "nevertheless she persisted" tattoos at Minneapolis shop
— The Hill (@thehill) February 22, 2017
This is yet, MORE proof that Trump is making jobs available. All those tattoo artists that now have more work thanks to all those idiotic women protesting Trump. It’s actually hilarious!!
Marking their body with such ugliness, just as the felons do to make a point..