On Thursday, CNBC’s on-air editor Rick Santelli slammed the Biden regime because of its ever-changing explanations of what is causing inflation to skyrocket.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the inflation shot up 7.9 percent on a year-to-year basis in February for the highest level in more than 40 years and slightly beat expectations.

On CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Santelli said pointedly “And of course, this inflation news is going to be tough for the administration. Nothing, Joe, nothing has been more politicized than inflation! Just let’s harken back to all the things we’ve been through. First, it was transitory, then ‘inflation is good.’ Then we went to ‘corporate greed.’ Now we’re at Putin.”

“It’s probably all of the above, but no matter how you slice it it’s all about commodities for the most part. And king commodity is energy, and most people in the United States are reminded about that every three to four days when they go fill up their tanks.” He added.

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In July of last year, the White House has claimed that the spike in inflation is only temporary and be gone by the end of 2022. Jen Psaki even said that the administration understands “the threat that inflation poses” and the administration would be “vigilant” in their response. “It’s important for Americans to know and understand that these impacts are temporary, and some of these price increases are a result of the economy turning back on.”

In October, the White House press secretary also told Tapper that the inflation that we are experiencing is a “good thing” because it means “more people are buying goods” which is “increasing the demand.” This statement of Psaki came in after White House chief of staff Ron Klain noted on his Twitter post that inflation and supply chain issues were “high-class problems.”

On Thursday, Biden tweeted where he put the blame on Russian President Vladimir Putin for inflation, as he has for rising gas prices in recent days and said “reminder that Americans’ budgets are being stretched by price increases and families are starting to feel the impacts of Putin’s price hike.”

Sources: The Daily Caller, Fox News, Daily Wire,

One Response

  1. ox

    Just a little too late for all the Propaganda and Disinformation arms of MSM to be ripping Lying Corrupt Quid Pro KING Joe a new one. They should have been bashing Corrupt Quid Pro ever since he stated he wanted to kill the oil industry. MSM hates Trump and they were mesmerized by this senile old fart corrupt politician that is now POTUS. Corrupt Quid Pro is incompetent, he is out of his league. Corrupt Quid Pro is surrounded by incompetents, VP Horizontal Harris is incompetent, The DHS secretary is Mayorkas is incompetent, the energy chief is incompetent, and the interior secretary is incompetent. corrupt Quid Pro needs to be impeached along with the rest of the incompetents.


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