It has been confirmed where Assad got his poison gas and the trail leads directly to Hillary Clinton. Disgusting!
Hillary Clinton has done a lot of disgusting things in her career and every single one of them shows her complete lack of compassion for women, children or any human life for that matter. We are so blessed that this woman did not become the President of the United States.
The latest dirt to surface shows just how evil she is! The trail from Assad and his poison gas which killed close to a hundred people, including innocent children, leads to Mrs. Clinton herself!
From Hillary 4 Prisoner:
According to Seymour Hersh, investigative journalist, Barack Obama consistently lied about EVERYTHING involving Syria, for the past eight years. And, in fact, was covering up a major error Hillary Clinton made while she was secretary of state.
Hillary Clinton made the choice to collect Libyan weapons of mass destruction and send them to Syria. In other words: Hillary is directly responsible for Syria having sarin gas in their country.
Hail to Hillary Clinton, another victory she can laugh at, she’s above the law, can’t touch the Clintons. Just make more media and news. The only woman alive who can kill by not doing her job, trade America uranium for money to our enemies, make money for our enemies Saudis and run for President.
What a woman… Strike up another one Hillary, have a drink and laugh at the law makers. Buy another black pantsuit… Yuck, she disgusts me!
President Trump needs to investigate this whole family, press necessary charges and put her behind bars where she belongs! Why do these people get away with everything!?
I pray President Trump will have her and her husband arrested! They both belong behind bars for sure for all the crimes they have committed!!!
Hay POTUS45, do what you said you would do and go after these people. They will surely go after you if you don’t. STOP BEING A WIMP.
Don’t worry Robert, President Trump has only been in office 10 months and he is smart, he will find a way to lock Clinton up. Just think about it for a minute, the people have to vote out the democrat liberals in congress and the republicans back stabbers before he can pursue the Clintons. Just remember he said he had to clean out the swamp first and he needs you and me to help him.
So very true! He is stacking the blocks against them. The ones to stop the Clintons are falling as we talk. Just give it Time and Trump will have it all together so all the band people will be caught.
Hillary Clinton should die at the hands of federal justice system executioners…she has done far more crime of a worse nature than Timothy McVeigh did and our government executed him. Why is the Hildebeast still alive?
One promise President Trump has not yet done. Indictment of Hillary Clinton for her crimes against America. Proven
corruption or her to spend the rest of her life in prison.
That’s why Bengazi people were allowed to be killed. They sent that stuff plus more to Syria on her orders.
Hillary is a ruthless person. But I believe Obama was worse. He deliberately tried to destroy our country and he did great damage. He stuffed all our executive departments with people that think the same as him. The list of minions that blindly attacked our nation is endless: They are deep within the State, still. Holder, Rice, Powers, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Learner, Hillary, Hagan, Sotomayor……..and on…and on…
She is guilty of so much & deserves to die. As sick as she is I fear when she is brought down, the stress of it all will kill her. I hope I’m wrong because I want to see her Dead, first at the hands of Justice, & 2nd televised. Hanging or firing squad. Hmmm! Come to think of it *** by firing squad, maybe some of the guns she sold to stuff her pockets with even more money !!
Don’t worry Robert, President Trump has only been in office 10 months and he is smart, he will find a way to lock Clinton up. Just think about it for a minute, the people have to vote out the democrat liberals in congress and the republicans back stabbers before he can pursue the Clintons. Just remember he said he had to clean out the swamp first and he needs you and me to help him.
People saying that Hillary will get hers in the end is no kind of satisfaction for me. I want to be on the other end of the stick when it’s shoved up her ass! In her case I want to see her imprisoned forever as death is too swift for this rotten sow’s crimes!
She gets away with it because key witnesses commit suicide or have mysterious accidents.
send HRC to CLub Gitmo. That will Torture the Terrorists who are already There. & dissuade any one else from joining up with ISIS. rember Bill? what is the definition of “is is”?