Joe Biden Made A HUGE Promise That He Has ALREADY Broken!

The President seems to fail us every time on a daily basis ever since his debacle in Afghanistan.

With the U.S. military and diplomatic withdrawal now complete after 20 years in Afghanistan, the Taliban has taken over the country, including the Kabul airport, the site of an often-desperate evacuation effort the past two weeks.

But even as the last American troops were flown out to meet President Joe Biden’s Aug. 31 deadline, other Americans who wanted to flee the country were left behind and the Biden administration is now focused on a “diplomatic mission” to help them leave.

If you recall 12 days ago, he promised to stay until all Americans and Afghan refugees are all out.

During his interview on ABC News:

Clearly, he is kept his work to a terror organization about the deadline talks but broke his promise to his fellow American people.

Charlie Kirk couldn’t handle his disappointment but posted this:

After defending his decision to stand by the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, recently he tried to shift blame the entire situation, he said, “This decision about Afghanistan is not just about Afghanistan. It’s about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries,I give you my word with all of my heart, I believe this is the right decision, the wise decision, and the best decision for America.”

“I am absolutely appalled and literally horrified we left Americans there,It was a hostage rescue of thousands of Americans in the guise of a NEO [non-combatant evacuation operations], and we have failed that no-fail mission.”

Sources: Wayne Dupree, POLITICO, ABC News

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1 Comment

  • Dopey Joe has made many promises before and during the eight months he was in the WH. Leaving Americans in Afghanistan is a major one but so is his claim to make his so-called administration transparent. He has broken practically every promise he has made including cleaning up the mess he has made at the southern border. We are in a shambles thanks to him and his “woke” collection of miscreants he hired to destroy our government!!

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