The left-wing group that organized the violent riot that shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event in Berkeley, CA is backed by none other than George Soros.

George Soros has been kicked out of multiple countries for fomenting dissent and rebellion through funding these fascist groups.

He is in short trying to impose a new world order through the backdoor. But ginning up support and paying rioters to carry out demonstrations, he creates the illusion that Trump is unpopular.

All recent polling – and polls always undercount Trump support – show Trump’s numbers are skyrocketing.

This is a well-planned assault on democracy and Soros was getting away with it. But there has been a shift, a conservative awakening sweeping the globe. And it is kicking Soros out of country after country.

Here is the links between Soros and the rioters. According to breitbart,

The Alliance for Global Justice is funded by the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation, reportedly donated $50,000 to fund Refuse Fascism, which openly brags about using violence to shut down conservative and libertarian speech.

“While it is unclear whether those who carried out the violence were paid to do so, the benefactors of the Alliance for Global Justice — and Refuse Fascism — are listed online,” reported the Daily Caller. “According to its most recent 990 tax form, Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016. One of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, a non-profit funded by billionaire progressive philanthropist George Soros. Tides gave AfGJ $50,000.”

If he keeps this up, the USA will be next. He will have to retreat to Monaco and Switzerland or wherever money can hide one from the real people.

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    • Bar him from our country. He is an evil man. He can use his billions to help the vets or homeless. How c an a man that has so much be so evil. He’s training his son to take over if he croaks. Nice family. Look what Trump raised compared to his lifestyle. Heaven help us.

    • Why is he walking around why send him out of country instead make him pay for distruction caused because of him paying rioters. An he needs to be changed for his crimes an criminal contribution to distroy countries. Especially AMERICA…He should be changed with crimes against AMERICA an the AMERICAN PEOPLE

    • I have to make this comment. When you say we do not need him or his money I agree to a certain extent. Unfortunately America has been for sale for many years now. You need to Google and look at the list of American companies that George Soto’s owns or controlling stock in. Companies we use everyday. Companies such as FedEx, UPS, AT&T, the list is astounding what one can buy into and take over if they have the money. Between Sotos and China, America is not American anymore.

  • Kicking a person out of the U. S. because he is not good for America??? What is this world coming to? I’m sure the leftist liberals he supports will be having none of this. Keep America Safe!!!

    • What is this world coming to? Really? Hello open your eyes. Stop being in denial, come out of your safe place and take a real good look at the mess this man has contributed to, he’s a bad man and needs to be in prison not sent abroad. Then and maybe then America will be safe again.

  • Ban him and freeze his assets for paying protesters to damage property and endanger people and trying to fix the election Hillary was his puppet when she was Sec.of state. He is evil!

    • Sharon, You have made the most down to earth common sense comment that solve many problems that this worthless human being causes. You are right, the man is evil because he would love to dismantle our form of government.

  • This greedy scum created a currency havoc in Asia in 1997 through manipulation of trading using his enormous Quantum Fund and reputedly made billions but caused untold sufferings. He should be banned from the face of this earth for prospering at the expense of others’ sufferings.

    • Soros made a billion dollars when he broke the bank of England in 1992. Now he is working on us. Not only him but his family needs to be contained.

  • The man is a war criminal, served in the SS during the Second World War, help steal the wealth of others in Hungary. Now promotes Fascism and creates chaos to form a One World Government. This man should be tried for his crimes and if found guilty should be strip of his wealth and property as he did to all those decades before.

  • How about get rid of the picture of Trump and Ivanka. He is now our president and continuing that is of no use, much less respect for your efforts.

    • There are 2 men who God allowed to get very rich. One used his riches to tear countries down using his money to cause chaos and division. The other wealthy man left his comfortable home and riches to help his country fight the Elite who have all but destroyed it. He is trying to bring back jobs, get rid of criminals, help people in the tax department so they can expand their businesses, getting rid of Obama care so companies can now start letting their employees work more than 30 hours a week. He President Trump is also trying to stop the movement of Radical Muslims into our country. They said they will destroy us from within and fly their flag over our White House. Last but not by any means least Trump has kicked political correctness out the window. We are now allowed to say Merry Christmas again instead of Happy Holidays. So much of normal America is gone because of Liberals pushing their agenda. It was a sad day in America when a couple lost their business as a bakery because they were Christians and refused to bake a cake for a gay couple. I find it hard to believe with Soros’s record that anyone running for political office could take his money. The Liberal/Socialist/Democrats accept his money. Not the old fashioned Democrats. I am not sure if the bakery got their business back or not. Many people were trying to help them. Also, our new President respects our military and our Police. God helped Trump get in office and he got the House and the Senate. But those dang liberals still want him out of office. We must have messed up the one world power plan when we asked our Heavenly Father for help to bring our nation back to Him. No more babies soon will have to go through the pain of being torn limb from limb even up to the time of delivery. Who would take a newborn baby and take its head off? Tear its arms and legs off. The only difference is before it is born it is still nestled inside of its mama and you cannot hear its screams. Liberals will have to answer to God for that. But now taxpayers money will no longer pay for that terrible act to continue. Planned Parenthood says they are for women’s health. But they do not own 1 mammogram machine to help detect breast cancer. Liberals are for Soros and against President Trump.

  • Why isn’t he been arrested come on congress put him in jail and throw away the keep he has done more then Martha Stewart

  • Soros sorry just add the letter “T” to read “Tsoros” In Yiddish it means”trouble” my how appropriate.If the glove fits wear it. !

  • He is nearing the end of his contract with Satan and the Lord of Haides surely is displeased with his performance.

  • Some guy got shot at one of his riots. Everything that has happened at those riots you can more or less charge him with. He orchestrated them and you know his desire is to cause as much evil and in his own words finds agony in others euphoric.

  • I’m surprised Israel has not snatch him for his actions in WW ll turning his own Jewish people to the S.S. to be sent off to concertration camp and extermentated

  • Don’t let him go ANYWHERE, before arresting him for treason; AND, freezing his assets! If not actually confiscating them to pay for The Wall, and paying down our national debt!

  • I am sending prayers to our Heavenly Father to take this evil man and expose his wrong doing. Then for Christ to deal with Soros as He sees fit. Thy will be done.

  • Elaine, this man has caused insurrection in many countries. He was involved with the Nazis in the second world war. He needs to be arrested for instigating protesters and paying them. He wants a new world order and would do the work of the devil to get it. Look it up.

  • I don’t want him banned I would like to see him arrested for his activities, his fortune confiscated and distributed to the people harmed by his activities all across the globe.

  • Shouldn’t this man be considered a national security threat? Time for Trump to get involved. Call in Navy Seal team to take this scum out.. Let God judge him after??

  • I believe Soros is a threat to our country and should be arrested! He is PURE EVIL AND TRYING TO DISTROY US! FREEZE HIS MONEY then see how much power he has! Instead of using his money for GOOD he uses it for EVIL! HE NEEDS TO BE STOPED ALONG WITH THE Dems! All of them are a DISGRACE TO US ALL!

  • IF a non profit organization is caught backing illegal activities, they should lose their tax status immediately, and the lead person/persons face charges for the activities ….

  • I’m all for those who look to harm or dismantle and disrupt the goings on of the United States to be shipped out immediately.

  • I told you old man. You can’t run from Death. It has found you. You will not live much longer. The life that you have left will come at a cost, your pain. Yes Death has found you. Will you die today? Tomorrow? Soon old man. Soon.

  • He can’t destroy our democracy we don’t have one. That’s the only thing I think you got wrong. We’re a republic. The elites want more people to think it’s a democracy so the can make a mob over take our government!

    • Very good point! We get too familiar with the idea that our country is a Democracy when it is suppose to be a Republic. Does this have anything to do with the fact that our two main political parties that are constantly at war with each other and yet owned by the same people, are the Democrats and Republicans?

  • Why wait for yet another incident? Putin would love to have him incarcerated. As a matter of fact Putin has an arrest warrant issued for Soros for financing and inciting riots.

  • Soros is a Rothschild puppet. The Rothschild is the most evil and corrupt family, on the entire planet.

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