Mike Lindell Just Announced He’s Suing Dominion! They Are Done!

The social-media site, Frank, should originally launch at 8 a.m. CT on Monday, however; an issue prevented the users from signing came up.

Mike Lindell announced on his “Frank-a-Thon,” an all-day interview, with Alan Dershowitz that “My Pillow” is suing Dominion for $1.6 billion for violating their First Amendment Right.

“We’re gonna sue you and put you out of business, and we’re not even going to let you see our source codes so you can see what we’re suing you about,” Dershowitz explained why Dominion is guilty of violating the First Amendment Rights of Mike Lindell as well as the rights of the media to report the news.

Dershowitz blasted Dominion for refusing to share its source code. “It’s as if My Pillow were accused of having some secret poison in its formula, and you couldn’t tell it by just looking at the pillow, and then somehow My Pillow said, we’re not going to give your our formula, we’re going to hide it from you. That’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to hide what they’re doing—at the same time that they’re trying to prevent you from entering the marketplace of ideas. They’re in the marketplace of ideas. They’re not only in the marketplace of ideas; they’re in the economic marketplace too.

They’re to shut you out of being able to sell your products in stores. They’re trying to silence you, and they’re doing it as the government of the United States. That’s why I’m in this case.

“Dominion is the government for purposes of the lawsuit,” Dershowitz said, as he explained that the government was using Dominion machines to tabulate our votes. Mike told his audience, “This could be one of the most important First Amendment cases in the history of the United States.”

Dershowitz warned about Dominion threatening the media, individuals, and businesses like My Pillow over discussing their product in relation to the November election results. “No wonder where you stand on the fairness of the election, we should still be on your side of the lawsuit,” Alan Dershowitz said.

The launch of Lindell’s social-media site has been repeatedly pushed back since he announced plans in early March to create a platform. He was barred from Twitter in January.

The site was meant to launch with VIP access at midnight on Thursday, but dozens of people who had preregistered said they were unable to get in.

Lindell then said he’d move the launch to Monday morning, adding that people could sign up and create a profile at that time. He said he would be broadcasting live, starting with a “historical announcement followed by a lineup of guests.”

He has been a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump and a driving force of voter-fraud conspiracy theories. The voting-machine company Dominion sued him, and more than 20 retailers have pulled his products; he’s said that could cost him $65 million in lost revenue this year.

Lindell has lambasted social-media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in interviews after they deleted his posts about voter-fraud claims.

He originally told Insider that he would launch a site — a cross between Twitter and YouTube — where people could “be vocal again” and not be “walking on eggshells.”

The “Alien and Sedition,” will be used to sue Dominion, Dershowitz explained. In the late 1700s, he explained that during Adam’s administration, “They went after newspapers–they went after Benjamin Franklin’s nephew’s newspaper,” he said. ” Dershowitz continued, “They tried to shut down any newspaper that supported Jefferson. And since that time, we really have had free speech, with some exceptions. The age though we’re living in now is really the strongest attack through cancel culture, through suppression of free speech.”

Dershowitz warned Dominion “You’re next…” and added “If they can silence Mike Lindell and My Pillow—they can silence YOU! You should be on our side. You should be seeking the source codes. You should be defending free speech.”


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  • Good for Mike. I would sue their pants off if I knew how.
    Dominion needs to show all of their machines for scrutiny.

  • Dominion and their illegal software was one of those responsible for the fraudulent election. I want to see Lindell be successful so, without a doubt, the democrats their backers, the deep state, and criminals such as George Soros falsified the election so Trump could not win.

  • Go Mike. Sue them for at least 500 trillion dollars. Sue that they can never put their junk in this country again.

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