The Reason She Got Impregnated With Her Own Son’s Sperm Is Absolute Insanity!

The parents of a 27-year-old man, who died of a brain tumor in 2016, used his cryopreserved semen to have grandchildren through a surrogate pregnancy.

Prathamesh Patil died from a brain tumor in 2016 but made the decision to preserve his sperm before undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy procedures. Mr. Patil was unmarried, so he authorized his mother and his sister to use it in the event of his death.

Rajashree, who is 48-years-old, said that she was very attached to her son who excelled in academics and was pursuing engineering in Germany when he was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in the brain.

Prathamesh used his few months remaining to live to put his affairs in order. One of those affairs was his stored samples of semen. Prathamesh knew they were his final hope of extending his legacy into the future. As a young engineering student, he had not yet made his mark in the world.

He then instructed his mother and sister to do everything in their power to preserve his semen samples.

Dr. Supriya Puranik, the head of the IVF department in Sahyadri Hospital, said that Mrs. Patil’s case was unique compared to other women delivering babies through assisted conception.

‘Being an IVF specialist, I am happy that science and new technologies are adding cheerful moments in people’s lives… But here, in this case, it was about a grief-stricken mother whose son was away for studies when he faced health issues,’ Dr. Puranik noted.

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But mom’s dreams were dashed because doctors thought the 49-year-old woman was too old to carry a baby. They refused to let her undergo fertility treatment. Plus, there was an ethical problem of a mother carrying her son’s unborn child. That’s why Rajashree looked elsewhere for help.

Instead of carrying her son’s baby herself, Rajashree found a 35-year-old relative who agreed to act as a surrogate to carry an anonymous donor’s egg fertilized by Prathamesh’s sperm. The relative had a successful pregnancy and gave birth to twins on a Monday. Now, Rajashree is raising the boy and girl as her own children.

“I was carrying the soul of my son in me and was looking for a body to breathe it into,” Rajashree said, according to Kidspot. “Doctors had preserved my son’s semen before they commenced cancer treatment to preempt any negative effects of the medicine used on him. Due to this, I have been able to get my son back.”

Rajashree wants the twins to call her mom and not grandma.

“Getting the semen into our custody was not easy, and we faced a lot of hurdles. Money and time were serious issues, but now I will take the responsibility of these infants,” Rajashree said, according to the Daily Mail. “I am their mother now.”

Dr. Supriya Puranik, head of the IVF department at Sahyadri Hospital, helped the family.

“At hospitals, we often see a lot of emotions and happiness whenever a woman delivers a baby, and we have come to share in their moments of joy. But in this case, it was a grief-stricken mother whose son was away for studies when he came down with the fatal disease and succumbed to it,” Dr. Puranik said according to the Daily Mail. “We appreciate the kind of spirit she has shown throughout the process and congratulate her on having her son back in the form of these healthy twin babies.”

Source: AWM

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