Conservative lawmaker Lindsey Graham didn’t waste any time responding to Colin Kaepernick’s latest desperate cry for attention. The left-leaning quasi-celebrity is convinced that the only reason one of the world’s most dangerous terrorists was eliminated was because he wasn’t white.
America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad. America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world.
— Colin Kaepernick (@Kaepernick7) January 4, 2020
“He’s a loser on and off the field,” Graham told Fox News on Sunday. “He’s a racist.” The Senator from South Carolina then advised , “if you’re looking for racism in America, Mr. Kaepernick, look in the mirror.”
If Mr. Kaepernick would turn away from CNN once in a while, he might learn what the rest of the world already knows. That Qassem Soleimani was an evil man, determined to kill Americans.
To the disgraced athlete, the might of the United States military was called in to “sanction” and “besiege” black and brown bodies to “plunder” the “non-white world.” What he doesn’t want to even think about are the facts.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made it clear to ABC reporters on Sunday that all the senior leaders were in total agreement with the air strike on the military commander’s convoy outside the Baghdad airport.
“The intelligence assessment made clear that no action – allowing Soleimani to continue his plotting and his planning, his terror campaign – created more risk than taking the action that we took last week.”
Pompeo spelled out in detail how the drone strike was used to prevent an “imminent attack” and that the Iranian General had been “directing the killing of Americans for years,” Reuters reports. “This was a bad guy. We took him from the battlefield. We saw that he was plotting further plans to take down Americans, in some cases many Americans.”
Everybody knows that the Iranians are trying to show clean hands by using mercenaries to do their dirty work for them. Pompeo insists that the administration won’t stand for it.
“We’ve told the Iranian regime: enough. You can’t get away with using proxy forces and think your homeland will be safe and secure. we’re going to respond against the actual decision-makers — the people who are causing this threat from the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell also supported President Donald Trump’s decision, telling reporters on Friday that “no man alive was more directly responsible for the deaths of more American service members than Qassem Soleimani.”
Meanwhile, Colin Kaepernick struggles to find work. He settled his claim against the league but as noted by The Guardian, “a recent workout in front of NFL scouts has not led to any formal job offers.”
Kunta Kinte Kaepernick, KKK. I read it earlier, seems to fit and has a good cadence.
He spews the acceptable hate that twitter agrees with.
KKK is nothing but a stuck-up, ignoramus. Thinks that all whites hate everybody that is not white. Well, to me he thinks he is privileged because he is black and a “has been” football player. No one in the world is better than anyone else, be them black, brown, LGBTQ, vegan, or atheist. Stop demanding that people pay more attention to you because you are one of the above because you are NOT.
When will “TWITTEER” ban Trump?
Kaeperdick is an ass, a black racist, a total dickhead, and a turd freak!
Just another overpaid worthless athlete, damn shame the asshole was not in the same vicinity. He darn sure would not be missed.
This American hatting SOB should leave the country.
The real people of the USA back and support our president . Only the haters of our country don’t . We must show a strong stand in the world or we fade away like the democrats want . Why the left wing nuts want us to fade away is beyond me . I don’t even think they know why . The just do what their being payed to do . And it’s not pay from our government . I wonder just whos government that is ? . Say what you want but they are not working for the people or countrys benefit . It would be so easy for them to show that they have us in mind … but they don’t .
Pathetic, simply pathetic.
It doesn’t MATTER the color of your skin. A murderer is a murderer. So, Mr. Kaepernick, IF you hate America SO bad, why don’t you MOVE to Iran, & see if that country is more to your liking! Or are you a chicken to try it? You KNOW you wouldn’t be a millionaire, if not for living in AMERICA. No, we’re NOT a perfect country, but, in some countries, if you pulled 1/3 of what you’ve pulled here, you’d either be hung, or in some deep, dark, dank hole somewhere as a prisoner. Instead of bad mouthing this country, make yourself USEFUL, & try to change things for the better. And, YOU have NO idea what real black people go through in life. So either shut up, or get out there, & work & TRY to help change things! Or just pack up & LEAVE!
To me, racism is racism and is not acceptable, regardless of skin color.
My description of Kaepernick is he is Ignorant, Ungrateful, Selfish Hypocrite who is Racist and Heartless. A Spoiled Child. Twitter is merely fulfilling their brash agenda to create controversy. (OMO) – one man’s opinion.
I hope his WHITE parents are proud of the racist asshole they raised.
No matter how you feel, and I hate this guy we have free speech in America.
The Kaepernicks of this world come out of the sewer, spew their vile, then disappear back into the pit they came from, and nobody misses them.
Why does anyone give a crap about Kaepernick. Nike is a clown corporation and will get punished in the end. Twitter is a joke as they do not suspend him. Screw Twitter and their leftist company.
Whether you like him or not and I hate him we have free speech in America.
Hey Colon! How many blacks have killed blacks in America’ shathole ghettos? How many Browns have been killed by brown drug cartels, yo pathetic little worm!
KaeperDick is a Sorry Ass Hole … we should revoke his Passport and Kick him out of the USA forever !
While living in Pubic Housing I asked management why there were NO Blacks. THey replied ‘Blacks don’t apply’. Oh, they ALWAYS apply for food stamps, but not for housing?
I think Mr Kapaernick is right.
The world would be a better place without libtards like him.
Kaepernick, you really don’t know anything do you? You’re Just another ignorant libtard.