In a peculiar tale of self-transformation, a self-proclaimed plastic surgery enthusiast has come forward to explain her decision to spend over $175,000 on cosmetic procedures, despite her family’s repeated warnings. Unfazed by their disapproval, Nicole Zavala continues to pursue her dream physique through plastic surgery. She recently appeared on VH1’s reality television show Cartel Crew, set in the plastic surgery mecca of Miami, Florida.

With her flowing brunette hair, Nicole Zavala confesses her passion for altering her body’s appearance. She delights in undergoing cosmetic surgeries to enhance her image and boost her self-esteem. To celebrate her 30th birthday, she spent $20,000 on her fourth breast augmentation and additional fillers.

However, the past year has been particularly challenging for the young plastic surgery devotee. Tragically, her boyfriend of three years, Demetrius Meach, was murdered five months ago. In an interview with the YouTube channel “Truly,” Zavala revealed that she finds solace in cosmetic treatments, tattoos, and piercings.

In the video, which is approximately eleven minutes long, Zavala proudly displays a tattoo on the inside of her arm. The piece features a portrait of her late boyfriend and the phrase, “Demetrius, Legends Live Forever.”

Embracing an extremely unconventional look, Zavala admits to enjoying a “fake” appearance, aspiring to resemble a Bratz or Barbie doll. She has amassed a vast number of cosmetic procedures, earning her a fair share of negative comments, including being likened to a “blow-up fish” due to her plump lips.

Despite the criticism, Zavala is unapologetic and asserts that she doesn’t care what others think. She argues that if people don’t like her look, they should avoid her Instagram page. Moreover, her altered appearance often leads people to assume she is snobbish or has a terrible attitude, when in fact, she describes herself as humble with a good heart.

A native of Colombia, where plastic surgery is widely popular, Zavala has become famous for her sultry Instagram photos and has built up a significant following. Even with her extensive surgery, she insists that nothing has changed her character or made her feel bigger than anyone else.

Looking back, Zavala claims she would tell her younger self to alter her appearance if she is unhappy with it, and she has no intention of stopping. Her next procedures will focus on her hips and buttocks to match her current breast size, demonstrating her commitment to achieving her dream body.

She said, “Looking back, if I was to talk to my younger self, honestly, if you don’t like how you look, just fix yourself – I don’t think I’m going to stop. I feel like my next procedure that I’m going to get are my hips and my butt done just because I feel like my boobs are big now, and I feel like I have to match with my butt.”

While many may find her actions baffling, Zavala’s story is a testament to the power of individual choice and the ever-evolving standards of beauty. It is important to remember that everyone has the right to express themselves as they see fit, regardless of whether we agree with their decisions or not.

WATCH the video below for more details:

Source: AWM

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