It seems common sense is starting to prevail in Germany and France.
These experimental injections have more risk than benefits, Public health officials in this region are finally admitting it.
Moderna experimental drugs have been receiving a lot of criticism lately, after Scandinavia and Nordic countries banned Moderna, now Germany and France finally found the light. Issues like myocarditis are appearing in young children because of the Moderna vaccine.
German health authorities on Wednesday advised against the use of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine for people under 30 due to evidence of a small risk of cardiac inflammation.
The Stiko vaccine commission cited studies showing that mRNA jabs led in rare cases to the conditions myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart) in younger patients, with slightly higher prevalence in those who received Moderna.
When will the U.S. take action? A lot of already countries suspend or at least issue a stark warning against young people taking them.
It is sad that we are not hearing anything like this from The U.S. or the CDC in particular.
It’s a sad day when socialist countries are taking more action than a supposed freedom-loving country against Moderna’s shot, and it makes me ask: how has it come to this?
Here’s more on the story:
Germany tosses Moderna for under ‘30’s’. “STIKO recommended that Germans in this age group should only receive the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine as it causes fewer cases of heart inflammations.” Someone tell me why “fewer” is ok.
— Karl Harrison (@KarlDHarrison) November 10, 2021
Germany advices against Moderna in younger than 30 year olds.
It’s appalling to witness human beings in this day&age being mandated& co-erced for vaccines that have caused life threatening harm to many,still the insistence&promotion of vacc. continues.— OurHealthOurChoice (@Healthchoice_pk) November 10, 2021
Excerpt from The Epoch Times reports:
The German health officials adjusted their CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccination guidance just one day after French health authorities also recommended the Pfizer jab over Moderna’s due to similar heart disease concerns. They stressed the risk of developing the heart condition is “very rare,” according to a translated statement posted on the French National Authority for Health (HAS).
Now Germany advises against Moderna along with France for people under 30 due to a cardiac inflammation. People told you since early this year.
Don’t forget journos & animals who are groupies to academics/researchers with no science knowledge mocked people.
— anti (@MRSoliloquy) November 10, 2021
France now advises against the Moderna shot if you are below 30, belatedly joining the Nordic countries.
— Covid19Crusher (@Covid19Crusher) November 8, 2021
France also joined Germany and the Nordic countries in warning against Moderna’s shot via Reuters:
“Within the population aged under 30, this risk appears to be around five times lesser with Pfizer’s Comirnaty jab compared to Moderna’s Spikevax jab,” HAS said in its opinion published on Monday.
The decision in Paris came after regulators in several other countries, including Canada, Finland and Sweden, had also taken a more defensive stance on Spikevax over heart-related safety concerns affecting younger people.
Sources: Welovetrump, Reuters, The Epoch Times
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