While America is crumbling from the problems Biden created, Joe was spotted on a beach having good a time. But not until a security threat was detected nearby.

Biden was rushed to take safe shelter in a warehouse after two unauthorized private jets entered the airspace above his vacation home in Delaware. The incident took place near Rehoboth Beach, where he owns a small beach house in a small seaside town.

As told to CBS News, a local Susan Lillard spotted the aircraft hovering about the neighborhood around 12:45 pm.

Here’s what the U.S. Secret Service said in a statement:

“Shortly before 1 p.m. today a privately owned aircraft entered the restricted airspace over Rehoboth Delaware after mistakenly entering a secured area. The aircraft was immediately escorted out of the restricted airspace.”

“Preliminary investigation reveals the pilot was not on the proper radio channel, was not following the NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen) that had been filed and was not following published flight guidance. The United States Secret Service will be interviewing the pilot.”

An independent reporter in the DC area, Alan Henney, reported the developments as they took place.

Meanwhile, Bo Erickson, a journalist with CBS, tweeted that he saw a pair of fighter jets flying low over the town.

“REHOBOTH, Delaware- At 12:52p, I saw @POTUS motorcade race into the Rehoboth Fire Station. I saw President Biden through the window of a SUV. Right before the motorcade, I saw 2 military jets flying low over the beach town. The press pool is not with the motorcade.” 

Erickson added:

“One woman who lives nearby, Susan Lillard, tells @CBSNews she saw a small white plane flying over the area where Biden’s beach house is in town. That was around 12:45p. Then she saw the two military-style jets scramble minutes later over the town.”

Conservative Brief added a few details on what happened Friday:

On Friday, in an unusually frank assessment of the Democratic leader, CNN reported that the stalling economy and record-high gasoline and inflation levels are devastating to Biden’s poll numbers.

Host Jake Tapper brought in senior reporter Harry Enten to ask: “Harry, just how bad are gas prices from a historical and political point of view?”

“I think that this table tells a story. This is the yearly change and the average gasoline prices at this point in the midterm cycle,” Enten began.

“Right now, we’re at the top. Up 53 percent from last year. That is the highest in any midterm cycle since 1994,” he continued. “And as a student of political history, I can’t help but notice the next highest ones, 2006, 2010, saw major gains for the opposition party in 2006 being the Democrats, 2010 being the Republicans.

“When I see gas prices like you saw in the last slide, I can’t help but think I want to do a lot more walking,” Enten continued. “You might be asking yourself, how is this impacting President Joe Biden look at his job performance on gas prices. I don’t have to be a mathematical expert to know 31 percent is a very, very bad number.

“The vast majority, more than two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Joe Biden’s job on gas prices,” Enten said.

Tapper responded with a follow-up question: “Another huge issue is inflation in general, as we head into the midterms. How is that impacting President Biden?”

“You know, I hate to say it, if I were the president, but look at this. Basically the exact same approval rating. Joe Biden’s approval rating on inflation [is] just 28 percent,” Enten said.

Sources: Conservativebrief, CNN, Fox News

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