She Tore Up Her Carpet And Found A MANHOLE That Led To…

Talking about a bombshell? Well, this California woman has rocked TikTok with the disturbing discovery of a bomb shelter in a bedroom.

Jennifer Little, an estate manager from California, found the bomb shelter, which she believes to be from the Cold War or WWII era, under the carpet. She posted the videos on TikTok, showing her moving the furniture above it.

In a stunning series of clips recently posted to the platform, Jennifer Little walked TikTok through a tour of a bomb shelter hidden beneath a manhole cover in the master bedroom of a central California home. The TikTok user did not disclose the town the home was in, and if she owned the property.

Little’s husband exploring the shelter (Little was too freaked out to do it herself due to “huge spiders everywhere”). It’s covered in dust, with hooks sticking out of the wall, and spider webs dangling from the low ceiling.

The man can be heard describing what he can see, saying there are bunk beds and a cabinet. He adds: “This is a legit bomb shelter.”

Jennifer Little said they had to move a 400-pound dresser to get to the manhole. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

The Daily Mail reported that the people who built the house also added hidden ventilation in the walls.

“People were so afraid of a nuclear bomb happening on the California coast, especially in central California because it’s so exposed,” Little explained, revealing that the “unusual” discovery was actually “pretty normal,” considering the time the home was built.

Jennifer Little
The bomb shelter featured a bedpan and other vintage treasures. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Another video shows the bomb shelter’s food store, with Jennifer adding in another video:

“This is the dry storage room for the bomb shelter.”

“I’m not sure why they built it this way, you’d have to leave the shelter to go into the dry storage room.”

She initially thought the shelter was built during WWII, but when she found out it wasn’t built until 1951, she realized that it was more likely built during the Cold War. The era of political tension stretched from 1947 to 1991, with the shelter most likely built in case of nuclear fallout.

She said:

“This house has a bomb shelter, pretty normal for back then.”

“People were so afraid of a nuclear bomb happening on the California coast, especially central California because it’s so exposed.”

“The shelter has beds and ventilation as well.”

Jennifer Little
The dry storage room wasn’t actually connected to the bomb shelter, which Jennifer Little found confusing. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Fellow TikTokers were amazed:

“This is so cool, everything is preserved it’s just dusty, you guys should remodel it,” one commenter said.

Someone else added: “Well if there’s a zombie apocalypse at least ya’ll be safe.”

“It’s not that normal, most people couldn’t afford putting them in,” one wrote on her original video.

“My claustrophobia just went through the roof!” another exclaimed.

“Well if there is a zombie apocalypse at least y’all be safe,” one said.

Watch it here: MadWorldNews/Youtube

Sources: Taphaps, Daily Mail

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