This Is How To Get Your Health Back If You Were Tricked Into The Vax…

Have you ever tried asking yourself about the remedy after being tricked into taking the jab? I know many of us were looking for some answers on the internet because we cant sometimes get the answer we need from our own doctors.

Is it really possible to get our health back after taking a COVID vaccine jab?

WLT give us some answers to your questions, but please note that the people involved were not doctors. This brand new interview between Greg Hunter and Clif High gives some great direction.

WLT gives us more details: 

First, let me make a disclaimer: I am not a doctor.  Greg Hunter is not a doctor. And Clif High is not a doctor. But for anyone who knows Clif, he tends to be right about a lot of things because he runs massive data gathering bots that have proven over the years to be highly accurate.

Here’s just one example: he said back in 2018 or so that eventually, Bitcoin would rise to $64,000 and then stop.  He said it would be the “$64,000 dollar question” and then it would drop by about half its value before heading back up again to $100,000.

Keep in mind this was back when Bitcoin was something like $3,000 and no one thought it would ever go over $20,000.

Well….what just happened last month? It did EXACTLY what Clif said.  It hit $64,000 and then stopped and then fell to $30,000.


That’s just one example, but I’ve seen many, many more from Clif. So suffice it to say when “Uncle Clif” speaks about something, I tend to listen!

When he went on Greg Hunter’s show, Greg asked him if there was anything people can do to recover their health if they took the C-19 vaccine….

Clif says yes, and the “prescription” is actually quite simple. You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU’s of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then he recommends C60.

Watch the interview here from Rumble (they discuss it in the first 10 minutes) and then scroll down for links to where you can get the best of each item:

Watch it here: Rumble/Video

You may continue reading the original piece here: WeLoveTrump

Source: WeLoveTrump

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