What FOX News Just Did PROVES How Far They Have Fallen!

Well, it seems that Fox News is adding more water to their sinking ship…

Fox News, the influential cable network launched by Rupert Murdoch in 1996, holds a unique place in the American media landscape, particularly for those on the ideological right.

But the company has never been the same since Roger Ailes passed away.

They always fail to understand their viewers and failed to cater to them as any good businessman like Rogers did back then.

After his death, Trump was installed in the White House and the world has suddenly changed.

By 2020, everyone in media, and social media had come together for one common goal – get rid of President Trump.

Fox News never cared enough for bad ratings, unhappy customers are damned really bad and it appears that it has been more important to stop Trump than to make money and keep their customers happy.

Recently, Fox News has hired Piers Morgan. Well, it’s the added water on their sinking ship.

I can still remember how supportive he was in trolling trump and became a full-blown TDS Trump derangement syndrome. Pretty bad movie, right?

But their goal hasn’t changed. They even welcomed Mr. Morgan aka. Mr. Trump-Hater and Mr. Gun-Hater with his own show and reportedly will write for New York Post.

This is going to be an interesting fall for Fox News.

It was said that Morgan’s new show will launch in early 2022, airing on weeknights in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

This is just advanced propaganda via Fox News, a Biden establishment to aim at Trump if and when he runs.

Source: Wayne Dupree

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