Washington D.C. jail home of dozens of political prisoners over the January 6th melee boost their spirits by doing nightly ritual.
These Patriots never lost hope and they believed that these unconstitutional violations of due process will soon be over.
Keeping their spirits up and patriotism alive they sing the National Anthem.
Here’s an excerpt from the American Greatness reports:
Dozens of Americans held in a Washington D.C. jail have been incarcerated for months awaiting trials that aren’t scheduled to begin until next year. Joe Biden’s Justice Department has repeatedly sought pre-trial detention for Americans who, on January 6, protested Biden’s election.
Detainees include Americans not accused of committing any violent crimes. Current detainees are a few members of the Oath Keepers; the alleged “attackers” of Officer Brian Sicknick, and nonviolent offenders such as Timothy Hale-Cusanelli.
The defendants have been transported to a special portion of the D.C. prison system used to house those charged with offenses related to January 6. Most were held in solitary confinement conditions, only allowed one hour out of a single-man cell one hour a day, for months until restrictions were recently loosened somewhat.
Defense lawyers complain about lack of access to their clients and access to video evidence captured by the U.S Capitol’s extensive security system, now under protective seal in January 6 cases.
Also, the outlet noted in their report the harsh conditions in the D.C jail, including incidents of abuse and unconstitutional violations of due process.
According to a relative of one of the detainees, every night at 9 p.m., they sing the national anthem. This is a way to keep spirits up among men who have been in jail for months and may not have their day in court until sometime next year.
Luis Miguel is running for US Senate, and he posted this audio on his Youtube page with this blip:
The mainstream media has been pushing the narrative that those arrested on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol Building were terrorists and insurrectionists, although there is footage showing many of those who entered were allowed in by police. Among those in detainment are individuals who committed no violent crimes and who have not even been charged, yet are not allowed bail. This recording is of a group of those currently in federal detainment singing the National Anthem. According to Angel Harrelson, the wife of one of the me, they sing “The Star Spangled Banner” every night, demonstrating that, desite the villification they have received from the media, they continue to love and support their country. They remain American patriots. Angel recorded this audio while on the phone with her husband.
Keep in mind, this is not the best quality recording, but I think it will still move you and touch your heart.
We need to put immense pressure on our useless GOP politicians so they start fighting for these American patriots.
It’s great to care about Cuba, but we have political prisoners here in the US that needs immediate attention from big names like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.
Watch it here: Youtube/Luis Miguel
Sources: WayneDupree, American Greatness
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