On Thursday, a Texas man committed suicide shortly after being convicted of child sexual abuse. The prosecutor said 57-year-old Edward Leclair was seen drinking a bottle of liquid before having a medical emergency.
Right after the verdict, he began chugging the liquid, and he was dead soon after. He may have escaped “earthly justice,” but I am confident Satan was waiting for him on the other side.
Leclair’s defense attorney, Mike Howard said his client had taken a “long drink from a water bottle” while listening to the verdict, but he did not know what was in the bottle.
Leclair was a corporate recruiter when he met the 14-year-old on Craigslist, and they met for several sexual encounters. He was out on bond for 4 years, awaiting trial.
More details of this suicide incident from ‘The New York Post’ report:
Edward Leclair, 57, was on trial in Denton, Texas, for five counts of sexual abuse and had been free on bond until the verdict Thursday.
“As these verdicts were being read, he chugged a bottle of water he had at [the] counsel table,” Denton County Assistant District Attorney Jamie Beck told CNN Friday, adding the liquid seemed cloudy.
“Our investigator noticed him chug the water,” Beck said. “He told the bailiff he might want to go check on him. The bailiff did. He was unconscious in the holding cell.”
“Shortly after entering the holdover cell, he started vomiting, and emergency services were called,” Leclair’s defense attorney, Mike Howard said.
Denton County Assistant District Attorney Jamie Beck said “medical intervention” took place in the courthouse before Leclair was taken away by ambulance.
Preliminary records from the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Office say that Leclair was pronounced dead at the Medical City Denton hospital at 3:21 p.m. Thursday. An autopsy has been ordered, and the cause of death is listed as pending.
“I can certainly say that it was highly emotional for everyone involved,” Howard said. “We were shocked by this. It does carry a lot of emotion and even more so for the jurors. They didn’t choose to do this. They were chosen, and as we told them, serving on a jury and making sure that the justice system works for the alleged victim and accused person is the cornerstone of being a citizen and making sure our government and society function.”
This was the first time the jurors, the defense, the prosecution, and the judge, ever experienced something like this. So everyone was left shocked by this unusual situation.
Sources: Waynedupree, The New York Post
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