After Jeffrey Epstein put the Palm Beach jail in his rear-view mirror, he decided to lay a trap for his enemies. Lawyer Bradley Edwards was one of them, determined to...
After a series of meetings with attorneys for the victims, coupled with the fact that estate lawyers finally coughed up most of the accounting figures, Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise...
With the stage to himself, billionaire Mike Bloomberg put on his best acting performance so far. The only problem was that he wasn’t acting like a president. The way CNN...
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg appeared to do a complete flip over one of the hottest accusations against him. His new position on the sexism allegations is a total “waffle” from what...
Wednesday night is shaping up to be a regular Bloomberg Barbecue. Democrats are going to grill him hard about his history. Some of the things he had to say about...
The Attorney General for the Virgin Islands just made some serious waves by adding new names to her lawsuit against the estate of Jeffrey Epstein. Southern Trust was nothing but...
It’s impossible to tell exactly how devastating an impact the Wuhan coronavirus will have on China’s economy, but everyone knows it’s been virtually destroyed. The question is, who did it?...
Attorneys for Michael Avenatti, the shyster lawyer who formerly represented pathetic stripper Stormy Daniels, filed a motion late Monday, demanding the Metropolitan Correctional Center give Avenatti a change of address....
The video of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell, during the first attempt to take the child-molester’s life, has vanished in a puff of electrons. The official theory is that he was trying...